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( Cave Fort, Grand Junction, Santa Fe, Flagstaff )

Cave Fort

Grand Junction

Santa Fe


Early Notes:

  • Head Quarters

  • Hydro-electric Damn

  • Mormon.  Robotics.

  • Everything is booby-trapped.

  • New Mormon Prophet



Early Notes:


-          On Colorado River

-          Canyons.  Road to Vegas..  I-70.

-          Fruit.

-          Oil Shale.

-          Airport

-          Climax Uranium Mill

Early Notes:

-          Trans-Genetic Super Soldiers from Los Alamos (45 Minutes)

-          Northern Nevada.  Geo-Thermal

-          Much of territory built on Limestone Bluffs. 

-          Believed to be miles and miles of caves beneath

-          Mormons.  Robotics.


Early Notes:

-          Hour South of Grand Canyon.

-          Lumber, Ranching.

-          Geothermal

-          Observatory

-          Route 66

-          Former Medical Device Manufacturer.

-          Copper.  Silver. 

-          Arizona Snowbowl.


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